Saturday, December 11, 2010

she tryin to get this money for the rent

I have confirmed a fact about the world that I have been suspecting for quite some time. I graduate from college in five days, and have unsurprisingly found that my degree in history and religious studies is helpful for no reasons. All that other shit I did in between school? Great! That's what they want. The school part? Not important.

The sorts of jobs that I am finding that are neat require either experience or a MSW. An MSW requires experience and school, which I already did but in the wrong departments. So here are my choices, according to the internet:

Urine collection specialists ("male applicants needed," it says, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal)
Army Bandperson (I play the piccolo poorly)
Administrative assistant (specifies that much of the work is "repetitive tasks")

Playing the "make rent" game is getting more difficult and less fun. Someone pay me to do something, please. I want to organize books and encourage people and connect resources to people who need resources. Come on, world.

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